Author Archives: Admin

Thursday, December 9, 2004 MULAN, WESTERN AUSTRALIA — Under a draft plan of the Australian Federal Government’s “mutual obligation” agreements, members of the Aboriginal community Mulan in Western Australia will be obliged to ensure that homes and yards are clean, students attend school, rubbish bins are emptied twice a week and that children undertake frequent facewashing. As a “quid pro quo” the community will receive $172,000 AUD in federal funding for petrol bowsers and fuel stations, while the Western Australian Government will provide regular testing for skin infections, worm infestations and the eye condition trachoma, which is widespread in Mulan. Community administrator Mark Sewell approached Wayne Gibbons, a former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission chief executive, to initate an agreement four months, once it became clear that the face-washing program at the Mulan Catholic school was having a positive effect. The program, which has been running for eighteen months,…

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More On This Topic: Best Financial Advisor By David J. Livingston There are different classifications of life insurance rates for different insurance providers. The number of classifications could be more than or equal to 12. Normally people need to qualify for the Regular classification with most companies which charge a premium on top of the Regular rate. While that is the case with most companies, some do have special classifications. If one qualifies for Regular or above, he will get a good rate, otherwise that person will be provided some substandard rate. To explain the process further, the insurance rates of most companies will start at Regular + 50%. This rating is called Table B or Table 2. The further classifications are Regular + 75% called Table C or Table 3, Regular + 100% called Table D or Table 4. The highest in most cases is Regular + 250% called…

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Friday, March 7, 2008 Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Cynthia McKinney, one of the candidates for the Green Party nomination for the 2008 U.S. presidential election. McKinney is a former Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia. She was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1992 and held her seat for ten years until being defeated by Denise Majette in 2002. She was the first ever African American woman from her state to be elected to Congress. We asked her why she made the recent switch to the Green Party. She replied, “Due to the importance of environmental issues, Green issues are the issues of today. The Ten Key Values ofthe Green Party stress us getting along with each other in harmony with the planet that gives us life.” When asked about how she would handle Iraq she replied, “I would instruct the Joint Chiefs to draw up a plan…

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Saturday, October 20, 2007 Dell Inc. announced on Tuesday that it will partner up with the Microsoft-Nortel Innovative communications alliance (ICA) team to sell Unified Communications and VoIP products. The announcement on Tuesday the 16th of October 2007 includes Dell selling VoIP, data and wireless networking products from Nortel and the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and other unified communications products. The partnership with both manufacturers should allow Dell to provide a pre-integrated solution. In March 2007, competitors IBM and Cisco announced they would join in the competition for developing unified communications applications and the development of open technologies around the unified communications and collaboration (UC2) client platform an application programming interfaces (APIs) offered by IBM as a subset of Lotus Sametime. “We want to make it simple for our customers to deploy unified communications so their end users can get access to all their messages in one place –…

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More On This Topic: Fue Hair Transplant By Kathryn Whittaker Hypnosis may be effective in relieving some menopause symptoms, but when it comes to treating and preventing menopause migraines, women who experience this unpleasant symptom will likely require other remedies. Unfortunately, severe headaches and migraines are quite common in perimenopausal and menopausal women. A migraine is the wickedest form of a headache, and is one of the worst menopause symptoms that can be suffered. A migraine can be so painful and intense that it can incapacitate its victim and spoil days of their life at a time. What causes migraines to occur during menopause? Psychological Factors include: emotional distress; anxiety; stress; overworking; fatigue. If these factors are allowed to spin out of control, it can cause chemical imbalances in your brain which can have an affect on the functioning of the body, resulting in a migraine. These migraines are generally…

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Monday, August 8, 2005 Maj.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, one of Canada’s top generals says Canadians should prepare for a long mission to Afghanistan in order to help it break out of “a cycle of warlords and tribalism.” Leslie told the audience attending the 74th Annual Couchiching Summer Conference in Orillia, Ontario, Canada on The Use of Force Within and Between Nations that Canada’s troops will have casualties. As many as 1,250 Canadian soldiers will be serving in Afghanistan by February 2006. A 250-strong provincial reconstruction team mission is currently gathering to stabilise the Kandahar region joining the nearly 700 troops already serving in Kabul. “Every time you kill an angry young man overseas, you’re creating 15 more who will come after you”, he said. “There are things worth fighting for. There are things worth dying for. There are things worth killing for”, Leslie told the conference and he said the end…

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009 A New Jersey state senator has filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn a federal law banning sports betting in 46 states. State Sen. Raymond Lesniak, a Democrat representing portions of Union County, filed the suit Monday, arguing the 17-year-old law is unconstitutional because it treats four states differently than the other states. Under the law, sports betting is prohibited in all states except Delaware, Oregon, Montana and Nevada, although only the latter two currently allow wagering. “This federal law deprives the State of New Jersey of over $100 million of yearly revenues, as well as depriving our casinos, racetracks and Internet operators of over $500 million in gross income,” Lesniak said in a statement to the press. The 39-page lawsuit is believed to be the first challenge to the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992. New Jersey missed a 1994 deadline that would have…

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009 A recent revelation by American actor John Travolta in court testimony during an ongoing extortion case in The Bahamas that his late son Jett suffered from autism, has stirred debate and controversy over the disease. News media and critics have questioned whether Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston should have acknowledged Jett’s illness sooner. In response to comments made Tuesday about the recent events on the ABC television program The View, the National Autism Association issued a press release stating they “very much support the Travolta family and all families affected by autism”. My son was autistic and suffered from seizure disorder. Travolta’s testimony last week admitting that his son was autistic was the first time he had stated as much publicly; previously he and his wife had only said Jett had experienced Kawasaki syndrome. Travolta’s son Jett died in January 2009 at the age of…

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More On This Topic: Diploma Of Design By Steve Childers As a Christian, so often we hear from our leaders about the wonders of Christ and all we have to do is believe in Him, then all our troubles will magically disappear. In reality, we know this is not exactly how it is. Sure the Lord offers us eternal salvation, forgiveness of our sins and yes He is there for us. However, the Bible tells us we are to take up our cross and follow Him, which means we have a role to play in the process of becoming Holy. The Lord is inviting us to partake in all the goodness He has to offer and once we make a commitment to Him, we are released from the chains of sin, we are given power over sin and our eyes are opened to the ways of the Lord. Now having…

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006 Reports say that hundreds of people are dead after a gasoline pipeline exploded in the northern suburbs of Lagos, Nigeria on Tuesday. “Some of the bodies were so burnt that it would be difficult to recognize them as those of human beings,” said one Red Cross official, Kingsley Amori. The Red Cross says that many of the victims can only be identified by looking at the remains of their skulls. Estimates suggest that 200-900 people were killed, and another 60 people received medical treatment. “The bodies are scattered over the ground. We can’t get close enough because the fire is still burning. We cannot confirm how many hundreds were killed.” said secretary-general of the Nigerian Red Cross, Ige Oladimeji. The explosion is believed to have been caused by vandalization in the pipeline. Reports say that thieves used a drill to punch a hole in the pipeline…

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