Category Archives: Dog Rescue

More On This Topic: Marc Ching byAlma Abell Termites cause billions of dollars in damages to American home and business owners each year. Help make it harder for termites by hiring a professional Stump Remover to get rid of all old tree stumps. About Subterranean Termites [youtube][/youtube] Subterranean termites get their name because they live in huge colonies underground. They even make mud tunnels with a combination of dirt and termite spit so they do not have to work in the full glare of the sun. Subterranean termites go through all this effort because they have soft bodies that soon dry up when exposed to direct sunlight. Because they remain hidden underground and in mud trails, it is difficult to see any termites until extensive damage has been done. How Termites Get Food Termites eat anything that contains cellulose, such as in wood, paper, plywood and many building materials. Rotting…

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