Category Archives: Outdoor Furniture

More On This Topic: Buy Outdoor Furniture New York By Karen MacKenzie – RM Barry Long before Captain Cook set foot on the shores of Australia, the native inhabitants used the therapeutic oil of the Melaleuca trees for a wide range of topical and oral applications. Then came the Second World War and, inevitably, Melaleuca oil was in such short supply that all the available stocks were used to help stop infections from the unavoidable war wounds, both in soldiers and munitions workers that were helping with the war effort. Soon it was deemed necessary that a cheaper, more readily available, alternative should be manufactured to help stop the spread of germs; and the once thriving industry went into a steep decline. For the next twenty years the oil was all but forgotten. Fortunately, Melaleuca alternifolia oil has over 100 components working synergistically together, most of which could not even…

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